
Groovy Compo | Standings

This is calculated in much the same as the all time top 5 , but instead of only the top 3 places being awarded points, the top 6 are.

1st = 10 points | 2nd = 6 points | 3rd = 4 points | 4th = 3 points | 5th = 2 points | 6th = 1 point.

At the end of the year, the top 3 composers will be awarded prizes. N.B. Where a co-op is entered the points will be shared between the number of composers.

Place Composer Points
1st metal 15
2nd Sneeka 13
3rd= Makke 10
3rd= Ballistique 10
5th Crenton 7
6th cmacali 6
7th Mick Rip 4.5
8th dhg 3
9th= XraveN 2
9th= iddy 2
9th= damp 2
12th Garr0n 1
13th irrelevant .5